Business programme

Protect your Business: Notary Assistance for Legal Entities

Congress Centre, conference hall D4
The Business Environment, Corporate Governance, and the Legal Services Market
Notaries support commercial activities at all stages of business: when registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, and later when resolving corporate issues at established organizations. It is also impossible to resolve issues concerning the inheritance of business assets without a notary. What are some of the special aspects of how notaries use information technologies and perform new types of notarial actions (including for remote meetings of the collegial bodies of legal entities) and how they provide assistance in preventing adverse property and reputational threats? What are some possible legislative initiatives on notarial assistance for businesses?


Denis Novak
Financial Ombudsman for Consumer Rights in Insurance, Microfinance, Credit Cooperation and Activities of Credit Institutions


Ekaterina Avdeeva
Head of the Expert Center on Criminal Law Policy and Execution of Judicial Acts, All-Russia Public Organization Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia)
Maksim Beskhmelnitsyn
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Marina Ilyushina
Head of the Department of Civil and Business Law, All-Russian State University of Justice
Konstantin Korsik
President, Federal Notary Chamber
Alexander Kravchenko
Lawyer, "St. Petersburg" International Bar Association; Member of the Disciplinary Anti-doping Committee, RUSADA
Denis Kuzmichev
Head of Taxpayer Registration and Accounting Department, Federal Tax Service (FTS of Russia)
Aleksander Ternovtsov
Managing Partner, Lawyer, Grib, Ternovtsov and Partners Bar Association; Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation; Member of the Commission for the Examination of Socially Significant Bills and Other Legal Initiatives

