Business programme

Special Meeting of the Expert Advisory Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on the theme ‘The Security Umbrella of Eurasian Integration’

Sideline Events
One of the priority focuses of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) is the rapprochement and harmonization (unification) of the national legislation of CSTO member states on issues concerning the organization’s statutory competency. Legislation is the main tool in this regard and is implemented through the drafting of model legislative acts, recommendations, and other legal acts of this nature. During this special meeting, the participants will discuss the main parameters of the system of modern challenges and threats to Eurasian security amidst global transformation, as well as the key focuses of the legal and regulatory counteraction of these threats, and outline prospects for the drafting of model legislation within the CSTO as a crucial security instrument for Eurasian integration.