Arbitrarily Equating Russian Business with the Russian State
Congress Centre, conference hall E11
The tectonic shifts that took place in 2022 have made the double standards employed by the countries of the Global North even more apparent. On the one hand, new attempts are being made to deprive states of their special status that distinguishes them from private individuals, above all, to overcome the immunities that the state, its officials, and assets enjoy under international law. On the other hand, when it is advantageous, the public and private businesses of undesirable countries (primarily Russia) are equated with the state, e.g., if private assets have to be confiscated/frozen under the pretext of ‘demands’ made upon on the state or compliance with sanctions.
Dmitry Malyshev
Special Representative, United Shipbuilding Corporation
Mikhail Demin
Chief Managing Director of the Block of International Projects and Foreign Representative Offices, VEB.RF
Sergey Krokhalev
Partner, Law Firm "Melling, Voitishkin & Partners"
Sergey Kuznets
Member of the Management Committee, Head of Department 104, Gazprom
Sonny Payne
Partner, GPS Legal
Vera Rusinova
Head of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Andrey Ushakov
Counsel, Voskhod Law Firm
Nikolay Feoktistov
Managing Partner, Voskhod Law Firm
Andrey Shlyakhtov
Deputy General Director for Business Support and for Legal and Corporate Affairs, TENEX

Dmitry Malyshev
Special Representative, United Shipbuilding Corporation

Mikhail Demin
Chief Managing Director of the Block of International Projects and Foreign Representative Offices, VEB.RF

Sergey Krokhalev
Partner, Law Firm "Melling, Voitishkin & Partners"

Sergey Kuznets
Member of the Management Committee, Head of Department 104, Gazprom

Sonny Payne
Partner, GPS Legal

Vera Rusinova
Head of the Department of International Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Andrey Ushakov
Counsel, Voskhod Law Firm

Nikolay Feoktistov
Managing Partner, Voskhod Law Firm

Andrey Shlyakhtov
Deputy General Director for Business Support and for Legal and Corporate Affairs, TENEX