Corporate Governance: Responding to the Challenges Posed by Sanctions
Congress Centre, conference hall B4
The recent sanctions have highlighted like never before the importance of making the current legal regime more business friendly. In the pre-sanction era, any genuinely major initiative would be underpinned by foreign law. That was the case even if all parties involved were resident in Russia. This was due to the greater flexibility, lower costs, and better predictability that such an approach offered. However, this option is no longer available to Russian businesses, as any move to transfer an initiative to foreign legal entities would incur an additional risk. This is not to mention the ever-growing difficulties faced by Russian residents when it comes to opening businesses and maintaining accounts abroad, amongst others.
• Regulation affecting the acquisition of large blocks of shares in public joint stock companies: targeted reforms.
• Golden shares: an obsolete instrument, or a necessity?
• The reorganization of business entities: a useful tool helping businesses adapt to a crisis.
• Regulation affecting the acquisition of large blocks of shares in public joint stock companies: targeted reforms.
• Golden shares: an obsolete instrument, or a necessity?
• The reorganization of business entities: a useful tool helping businesses adapt to a crisis.
Ilya Bolotnov
Partner, Head of Corporate Practice, Pepeliaev Group
Alan Bayramkulov
Partner, PB Legal
Alexander Varvarin
State Secretary, Vice President for Legal Regulation and Administration, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Andrey Klishas
Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Andrey Kovalenko
Acting Deputy Director of the Department of Economic and Civil Legislation, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
Elena Kuritsyna
Director of the Corporate Affairs Department, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Ilya Torosov
First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Ilya Bolotnov
Partner, Head of Corporate Practice, Pepeliaev Group

Alan Bayramkulov
Partner, PB Legal

Alexander Varvarin
State Secretary, Vice President for Legal Regulation and Administration, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)

Andrey Klishas
Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Andrey Kovalenko
Acting Deputy Director of the Department of Economic and Civil Legislation, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Elena Kuritsyna
Director of the Corporate Affairs Department, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

Ilya Torosov
First Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Born on 14 October 1982 in Moscow.
In 2004, graduated from the State University of Management.
2005–2006 Chief Economist, OAO Alfabank.
2006–2008 Chief Specialist, Senior Manager of Corporate Banking Development group in Central region of the Russian Federation, JSC Raiffeisenbank.
2008–2015 Head of the Department for High Profile and Corporate Customer Relations, MDM Bank.
2015–2017 Head of Corporate Customer Service and Financing Directorate, PJSC TransKapitalBank (TKB Bank).
2017–2018 Executive Director/ Executive Partner, UDR group of companies.
From January 2018 to March 2018 Advisor/Acting Deputy Chair of the Board, TROIKA-D BANK.
From 12 March 2018 Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Candidate of economic sciences.
In 2004, graduated from the State University of Management.
2005–2006 Chief Economist, OAO Alfabank.
2006–2008 Chief Specialist, Senior Manager of Corporate Banking Development group in Central region of the Russian Federation, JSC Raiffeisenbank.
2008–2015 Head of the Department for High Profile and Corporate Customer Relations, MDM Bank.
2015–2017 Head of Corporate Customer Service and Financing Directorate, PJSC TransKapitalBank (TKB Bank).
2017–2018 Executive Director/ Executive Partner, UDR group of companies.
From January 2018 to March 2018 Advisor/Acting Deputy Chair of the Board, TROIKA-D BANK.
From 12 March 2018 Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.
Candidate of economic sciences.