Community Service: Points of View from Society, Business, and Government
Congress Centre, conference hall B2
On 29 April 2021 the Russian government issued order 1138-r, which gave official approval to a concept outlining the development of the penal system to the year 2030. One area of focus is the development of a network of correctional centres for those serving sentences which do not involve isolation from society. This will be done by using the property of the penal system, regional governments, and organizations. There are a number of reasons why taking such a step is necessary. When convicts suffer from a rupture in social ties, the lack of proper employment opportunities, and the influence of criminal subcultures at prisons, the recidivism rate increases. Currently it is at 44%. In addition, imprisoning convicts is more expensive to the state than keeping them at correctional centres. These centres need to have a total capacity of up to 100,000. While 182,000 convicts currently have the option of applying for imprisonment to be replaced with community service, this will only be granted to those who have shown improvement and are on the path to rehabilitation. This target is expected to be met in 2024. Convicts at correctional centres will benefit from full employment and the chance to rebuild social ties. This initiative, together with social adaptation, rehabilitation and resocialization efforts after release, will lead to a reduction in recidivism.
Eduard Petrov
Deputy Director, Head of Legal Programs Production Service, Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (RTR)
Georgy Volkov
Chairman of Moscow Public Monitoring Commission
Vsevolod Vukolov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation
Alexander Efremov
Managing Director, Dobroflot Group of Companies
Aleksandr Matveenko
Acting Deputy Director, The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)
Eva Merkacheva
Member, Moscow Public Monitoring Commission
Tatyana Mineeva
Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Moscow
Tatiana Moskalkova
High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Rustam Nigmatullin
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan
Andrey Nikitin
Governor of Novgorod Region
Aleksey Sitnikov
Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Competition
Alexander Kholodov
Member, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation
Front row participants
Elena Korobkova
Head of the Directorate Organizing the Execution of Non-Custodial Sentencing, The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)
Oleg Lazarenko
Head of the International Department for Ensuring Cooperation with the CIS Countries, International Cooperation and Protocol Events of Case Management, Federal Penitentiary Service
Alexei Sysoev
General Director, Vostokcement LLC
Ivan Chekmarev
Minister of Industry and Trade of the Novgorod Region
Dmitry Sharovatov
Deputy Head of the Department of Affairs, Federal Penitentiary Service

Eduard Petrov
Deputy Director, Head of Legal Programs Production Service, Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (RTR)

Georgy Volkov
Chairman of Moscow Public Monitoring Commission

Vsevolod Vukolov
Deputy Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation

Alexander Efremov
Managing Director, Dobroflot Group of Companies
Born on 25th January, 1974 in Vladivostok.
In 1996 graduated from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy on a specialty “Production Management".
From 1996 to 1999 worked in RAO "Investment Management" (Moscow).
Since 2000 worked in the Far East fishing enterprise LLC "Vostokrybprom".
Since 2001 worked in LLC "Company Grasp".
In 2002 founded JSC "Primrybsnab", which became one of the largest Russian operators on the market of fish products.
In 2007 headed the Group of Companies “Dobroflot” - fishing holding in the Russian Far East, representing the largest onshore fish processing enterprise "Yuzhmorrybflot", Fishing Collective Farm "Novyi Mir", "Livadiysky Ship-Repair Yard". Group of companies “Dobroflot” engaged in the extraction, production, transportation and sale of fish products, as well as ship repair and brings together more than 3,000 personnel, 17 vessels of the fishing fleet, three factory ships, including one of the largest in the world – "Vsevolod Sibirtsev".
Married, has three children.
In 1996 graduated from the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy on a specialty “Production Management".
From 1996 to 1999 worked in RAO "Investment Management" (Moscow).
Since 2000 worked in the Far East fishing enterprise LLC "Vostokrybprom".
Since 2001 worked in LLC "Company Grasp".
In 2002 founded JSC "Primrybsnab", which became one of the largest Russian operators on the market of fish products.
In 2007 headed the Group of Companies “Dobroflot” - fishing holding in the Russian Far East, representing the largest onshore fish processing enterprise "Yuzhmorrybflot", Fishing Collective Farm "Novyi Mir", "Livadiysky Ship-Repair Yard". Group of companies “Dobroflot” engaged in the extraction, production, transportation and sale of fish products, as well as ship repair and brings together more than 3,000 personnel, 17 vessels of the fishing fleet, three factory ships, including one of the largest in the world – "Vsevolod Sibirtsev".
Married, has three children.

Aleksandr Matveenko
Acting Deputy Director, The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)

Eva Merkacheva
Member, Moscow Public Monitoring Commission

Tatyana Mineeva
Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Moscow
Mineeva Tatiana Vadimovna graduated from Astrakhan State Technical University in 2004, PhD in economics.
2005-2012 - worked in the Government of the Astrakhan region.
2012 - 2013 – Head of a program at ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects».
2013 - 2019 - Vice President of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia". In December 2017, she was appointed Head of the Executive committee of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia.
Since 2019 – the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow in the Government of Moscow.
In her work as an Ombudsman, she built almost from scratch the infrastructure for the protection of business rights in Moscow – more than 500 businessmen, experts and lawyers were involved on a voluntary basis, 24 public reception offices were opened throughout the capital. Thus, for the first time in Russia, it was formed the integrated community of public businessmen structures called - the Ecosystem of the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow.
In 2020, 140 victories were achieved in restoring the rights of entrepreneurs, 77 legislative initiatives of the business support for the period of COVID-19 pandemic and 13 system business environment legislative initiatives were implemented. As a result of the work, the second part of the book "How to be friends with the state?" was written and published.
Tatiana is a winner of the open competition «Leaders of Russia. Politics 2020».
2005-2012 - worked in the Government of the Astrakhan region.
2012 - 2013 – Head of a program at ANO «Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects».
2013 - 2019 - Vice President of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia". In December 2017, she was appointed Head of the Executive committee of the Moscow regional branch of Business Russia.
Since 2019 – the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow in the Government of Moscow.
In her work as an Ombudsman, she built almost from scratch the infrastructure for the protection of business rights in Moscow – more than 500 businessmen, experts and lawyers were involved on a voluntary basis, 24 public reception offices were opened throughout the capital. Thus, for the first time in Russia, it was formed the integrated community of public businessmen structures called - the Ecosystem of the Business ombudsman of the city of Moscow.
In 2020, 140 victories were achieved in restoring the rights of entrepreneurs, 77 legislative initiatives of the business support for the period of COVID-19 pandemic and 13 system business environment legislative initiatives were implemented. As a result of the work, the second part of the book "How to be friends with the state?" was written and published.
Tatiana is a winner of the open competition «Leaders of Russia. Politics 2020».

Tatiana Moskalkova
High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

Rustam Nigmatullin
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan

Andrey Nikitin
Governor of Novgorod Region
Born in 1979 in Moscow.
2001 – graduated from State University of Management.
2007 – was awarded EMBA degree at Stockholm school of Economics.
2002-2011 – held key positions in Ruskompozit Group of companies composed of the largest Russian enterprises which do business in the markets of glass fibre, composite and geosynthetic materials.
2009 — was appointed Director General of Ruskompozit Management Company LLC.
Since 27.07.2011 – held a position of the CEO of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI).
13.02.2017 – was appointed the acting governor of the Novgorod region by the Presidential Decree.
Member of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for economic modernization and innovative development of Russia.
Member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects.
Awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II class and the Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Gratitude.
Ph.D. degree in Economics.
2001 – graduated from State University of Management.
2007 – was awarded EMBA degree at Stockholm school of Economics.
2002-2011 – held key positions in Ruskompozit Group of companies composed of the largest Russian enterprises which do business in the markets of glass fibre, composite and geosynthetic materials.
2009 — was appointed Director General of Ruskompozit Management Company LLC.
Since 27.07.2011 – held a position of the CEO of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI).
13.02.2017 – was appointed the acting governor of the Novgorod region by the Presidential Decree.
Member of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for economic modernization and innovative development of Russia.
Member of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects.
Member of the Supervisory Board of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects.
Awarded the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II class and the Russian Federation Presidential Certificate of Gratitude.
Ph.D. degree in Economics.

Aleksey Sitnikov
Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Competition

Alexander Kholodov
Member, Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation

Elena Korobkova
Head of the Directorate Organizing the Execution of Non-Custodial Sentencing, The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN)

Oleg Lazarenko
Head of the International Department for Ensuring Cooperation with the CIS Countries, International Cooperation and Protocol Events of Case Management, Federal Penitentiary Service

Alexei Sysoev
General Director, Vostokcement LLC

Ivan Chekmarev
Minister of Industry and Trade of the Novgorod Region

Dmitry Sharovatov
Deputy Head of the Department of Affairs, Federal Penitentiary Service