New Challenges and Old Problems: Are Changes Needed to the Law on Advertising?
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
Digital technologies and information exchange are all developing at an intense rate, and the legal field is struggling to keep up. New advertising techniques and methods are emerging, as are ways of determining audiences. An enormous amount of data on consumer behaviour is collected online, including by advertisers. In its current form, the law is not always fully capable of regulating issues pertaining primarily to the digital realm. Some of the more conservative and cumbersome constructions are excessive when it comes to regulating online advertising. Another frequent issue is the lack of regulation for situations that arise when using electronic and online services, and advertising services and platforms. The problem is that it can be difficult to determine the liability of those involved in disseminating information online. Over the past few years, the courts and Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia have worked to build a practice which has already become firmly embedded in legislative regulation. Approaches developed for individual disputes have served to create general rules. Do these rules need to be enshrined in law? Should the excessively detailed regulation of requirements concerning advertising content be simplified? How can greater flexibility be offered in terms of communicating obligatory information to the consumer? What can be done to more clearly outline the boundaries of responsibility, both in relation to advertisers and advertising distributers?
Alexandra Nesterenko
President, Association «Non-Profit Partnership «Association of Corporate Lawyers»
Alexey Agapov
Director of Legal Expertise Department, Х5 Group
Dmitry Grigoryev
Legal Department Director, European Media Group (EMG); Legal Expert of the "Radio" Direction, Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR)
Anton Kachanov
Head of Legal Practice in Advertising Technologies and Marketing, Yandex
Tatiana Nikitina
Head of the Department for Control of Advertising and Unfair Competition, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)
Dmitry Petrov
Deputy General Director for Government Relations and Legal Affairs, Tele2
Maria Smelyanskaya
Head of the Department of Legal Support, International and General Cooperation, Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)
Elena Trusova
Dispute Resolution Practice Partner, Alumni Partners

Alexandra Nesterenko
President, Association «Non-Profit Partnership «Association of Corporate Lawyers»

Alexey Agapov
Director of Legal Expertise Department, Х5 Group

Dmitry Grigoryev
Legal Department Director, European Media Group (EMG); Legal Expert of the "Radio" Direction, Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR)

Anton Kachanov
Head of Legal Practice in Advertising Technologies and Marketing, Yandex

Tatiana Nikitina
Head of the Department for Control of Advertising and Unfair Competition, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)

Dmitry Petrov
Deputy General Director for Government Relations and Legal Affairs, Tele2

Maria Smelyanskaya
Head of the Department of Legal Support, International and General Cooperation, Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor)

Elena Trusova
Dispute Resolution Practice Partner, Alumni Partners