Business programme

Unfair Practices in the Consumer Market

Congress Centre, conference hall E11
Dispute Resolution
The use of unfair practices by businesses in the consumer market is a highly important public and social issue, since they are often based on manipulation, the risk of adverse consequences from accepting the proposed conditions, and the use of various pre-contractual practices that influence the will of consumers, which result in the latter concluding disadvantageous or unnecessary additional contracts. Preventing unfair practices by businesses that adversely affect consumers is a priority focus that society and the state need to concentrate on in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the State Policy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the Protection of Consumer Rights for the period until 2030. What is the best way to protect consumers against unfair practices? Are there enough mechanisms in place to ensure consumer protection is effective? Does anything need to change?


Mikhail Orlov
State Secretary – Deputy Head, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing


Nataliya Belova
Executive Secretary, Working Group in the Field of Trade and Consumer Protection under the Subcommittee on Improving the Control (Supervisory) and Licensing Functions of Federal Bodies under the Government Commission for the Administrative Reform of the Executive Branch
Yury Voronin
Chief Financial Commissioner for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services
Tagir Kalimullin
Vice President, M.Video-Eldorado
Oleg Pavlov
Chairman, Organization for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Public Consumer Initiative"
Natalia Pavlyuchenko
Deputy Head of the Department of Federal State Control (Supervision) in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection, Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing
Yana Sklyarova
Deputy Head, Department for Control of Advertising and Unfair Competition, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS Russia)

Front row participant

Alexey Chirkov
Head of the Regulatory Department of the Consumer Rights Protection and Financial Inclusion Service, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

