Medical Professions Operating under the Sword of Damocles: “Negligent Doctors” vs. “Extremist Patients”
Congress Centre, conference hall B1
In the present day, the quality of medical care is contingent upon numerous factors, including society's comprehension of potential risks in healthcare provision, the promotion of risk prevention and mitigation, and the adoption of measures to redress the outcomes of risk occurrence. Medical activities, by their very nature, involve high-risk operations, where the outcome is likely but not predetermined. The most correct actions that result in maximum patient benefit can, unfortunately, culminate unfavourably for the patient. According to current legislation, medical practitioners must establish their own innocence, as they can face administrative or criminal accountability. In accordance with the principles of informed consent and autonomy, patients possess not only the right to receive comprehensive information regarding their diagnosis, treatment, and variations thereof, but also the right to make independent decisions, provided that such choices do not contradict Russian legislation. Nevertheless, certain patients' actions exhibit clear signs of extremism, adhering to the paradigm of "the patient is always right." Consequently, it is vital to safeguard the rights of both patients and medical workers to create an efficiently functioning and progressive medical care system, as well as an entire healthcare system. The challenge is to attain a balance between medical care standards and physicians' discretion. How can communication between doctors and patients concerning medical care provision be established? What are the criteria for evaluating medical care quality? What ethical dilemmas surface during the provision of medical care presently? What triggers and results from patient extremism?
Igor Akulin
Head of the Department of Health Organization and Medical Law, St. Petersburg State University
Nelly Diveeva
Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Labor Protection, St. Petersburg State University
Vladimir Zhirnovoy
Lawyer, Law Office "Saint-Petersburg Legal Group"
Pavel Kisly
Nephrologist, Head of the Department of Day Hospital No. 1, Clinic of High Medical Technologies named after N.I. Pirogov St. Petersburg State University
Vyacheslav Mamontov
Senior Inspector of the Third Control and Investigation Department of the Control and Investigation Directorate, Main Investigation Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg
Tatiana Rozovskaya
Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Studies, St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
Petr Yablonsky
Professor, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery, St. Petersburg State University

Igor Akulin
Head of the Department of Health Organization and Medical Law, St. Petersburg State University

Nelly Diveeva
Professor of the Department of Labor Law and Labor Protection, St. Petersburg State University

Vladimir Zhirnovoy
Lawyer, Law Office "Saint-Petersburg Legal Group"

Pavel Kisly
Nephrologist, Head of the Department of Day Hospital No. 1, Clinic of High Medical Technologies named after N.I. Pirogov St. Petersburg State University

Vyacheslav Mamontov
Senior Inspector of the Third Control and Investigation Department of the Control and Investigation Directorate, Main Investigation Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg

Tatiana Rozovskaya
Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Studies, St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Petr Yablonsky
Professor, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery, St. Petersburg State University